Attachment for parenting and relational professionals: Overview and practical applications
For First Step Family Support Center, Port Angeles WA
September 25, 2017, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
By Mark Baumann
Questions the training can address
What is attachment?
What is the functional difference between the ABC patterns?
What is the prevalence of A B and C patterns?
How can I use attachment information in my work?
What are the two models of attachment and how do they differ?
Why and how does a person’s attachment experience affect their memory function
How is attachment formally measured and who can do measurements?
What does attachment teach us about parenting, and about counseling?
Where can I get more information?
Other questions…?
Take aways
Learn what attachment is and how it can be relevant to relational professionals
Understand and learn to recognize the cognitive-affective information processing divide
Review techniques to function as a Transitory Attachment Figure
Gain a sense of how attachment impacts parenting
What is attachment
Attachment relationships
What is danger, in terms of attachment?
NxR=E, the interplay of Needs, Relationship, and the Effects from the interplay
The ways attachment experiences influence information processing patterns (and defense mechanisms)
Three attachment models
Ainsworth, ABC+D, DMM
Prevalence by model and participant group (2007 study, 2017 SAA-PAA study)
Prevalence and patterns in my clients (in one time period)
Basic attachment principles
Attachment Circumplex
Warning: everyone has an attachment pattern
Overview of graphical models of attachment patterns
The cognitive-affective divide
The simple-complex divide (insecure vs secure in adult functioning)
ABC Pattern details
Children and behaviors
Adults and Patterns of Information Processing
Impact on memory function
Attachment measures
Strange Situation Procedure (SSP), Preschool Attachment Assessment (PAA)
School Age Attachment Assessment (SAA)
Adult Attachment Interview (AAI)
The fourth classification: D or AC
So what?
Attachment and parenting
The professional as a Transitory Attachment Figure (TAF)
How adult attachment informs client counseling
Mark Baumann is a family law lawyer who is working to relate the fields of law, psychology, attachment, and Interpersonal Neurobiology. He has practiced law 30 years, and in the last five years has obtained a graduate credit certificate in Interpersonal Neurobiology, and completed three years of intense attachment study, including how to conduct, code and classify attachment from the Strange Situation Procedure and from the Adult Attachment Interview. He uses attachment theory heavily in his law practice, and considers it the most valuable theoretical approach for working with clients and adverse parties. He is developing the Integrative Client-Centered Model, a transdisciplinary client-centered model for counselors in any relational profession.