ICCI provides a variety of training opportunities, including traditional live and online seminars (CLE/CEU/CE), private in-house seminars (CLE/CEU/CE), individual case consultations, education-mentorship (Ed-Ment) programs, and Attorney Mentor Programs (AMP). Trainings can be geared for litigators, mediators, judges, other legal professionals, and in some cases for mental health professionals. ICCI covers topics such as managing high conflict, attachment, Attachment-Based Conflict Psychology, Interpersonal Neurobiology, parent-coach training, ethical rehabilitation, and can gear programs for Lawfighting™ and/or Peace Making.
In-house training can be tailored to meet your firm’s needs. Training can be one 4-8 hour session, or multiple 2-4 hour sessions with follow up emails, phone mentoring, and mission development. Multiple and/or follow up sessions are recommended, but not required, to help reinforce and apply learning lessons because science-based techniques generally involve a paradigm shift in approach and learning is best done by applying and reviewing. ICCI representatives can attend client counseling sessions (confidentiality rules apply to ICCI personnel) with follow up analysis.
Private training and case consultations are offered in person, or by phone or Skype (phone or video).
Lawfighting™: Neuroscience and relational science for negotiating and litigating is a program for litigators to improve “win-win” and “winning” outcomes. See below for more details.
Peace science: Neuroscience and relational science for negotiating and mediating is a program for people focused on resolving disputes while avoiding trial. See below for more details.
DMM attachment training is for anyone interested in learning about the Dynamic Maturational Model of Attachment and Adaptation (DMM), which provides both an advanced theory of attachment and danger-based psychology. See below for more details.
Targeted Integrative Parenting Strategies (TIPS) Coaching™ is an ICCM “tool” designed to help parents and their litigators. ICCI offers training for parenting professionals to learn the underpinnings and methods of TIPS Coaching™. Relevant ICCI trainings also teach lawyers how to take advantage of parent coaches. Some trainings are designed for both lawyers and coaches. Please see the TIPS Coaching™ page for more information.
Ed-Ment programs are combined education and mentoring programs, typically done in small groups of 2-12 professionals. Mentoring sessions may immediately follow a formal training (such as the second half of a 3-4 hour training), and/or be combined with group email lists, telephone consultations (individual or group), and in-office meetings with or without clients. All participants sign confidentiality agreements. Written program materials are provided. Topics include most of the ICCM tools and concepts, which are then applied to participants cases. Participants tend to find great value in seeing how their case problems can be solved with ICCM tools, and perhaps greater value in also seeing how other lawyers have similar problems and how, despite the variety of legal topics and legal problems, ICCM tools provide a solid foundation for addressing any problem.
Ed-Ment In House is a (CLE) program for in-firm training. Program length can be designed to meet firm needs.
Ed-Ment 6 is a 12 week, 6 session (CLE) program. The sessions are generally 3-4 hours each, with time split between traditional training and group mentoring.
Ed-Ment 6 Family is both a full 6 session family law focused (CLE) program, and a one day add on to a non-topic specific Ed-Ment 6 program. This program includes training in why and how to use an Targeted Integrative Parenting Strategies (TIPS) Coach™ in family law cases.
Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) training provides a wonderful foundation for understanding client motivation, decision making challenges, and litigation-negotiation-counseling skills. ICCI IPNB training focuses on the science underlying the skills professionals need.
ICCI AMP is the ICCI Attorney Mentor Program. This is both a monthly informal low cost group mentoring program, and individual, one-on-one mentoring. Group mentoring sessions are free, and a limited number of one-on-one mentorees are accepted. CLE credits are not available for AMP sessions (unless your Jurisdiction allows credit for mentorees. (These are not associated with any other AMP or CHAMP programs by other organizations, unless specifically indicated in the notice.) Dates and times to be announced, and inquiries are welcome.
Lawfighting™: Neuroscience and relational science for negotiating and litigating is a program for litigators to improve “win-win” and “winning” outcomes. The focus is adding a deeper layer of understanding to what drives conflict and distorted thinking, together with specific techniques to manage and “win” cases, especially high conflict and difficult cases. Participants learn the basics of attachment theory and science to understand how people (parties, witnesses, lawyers, judges, experts) can distort information, what types of information is likely ignored or exaggerated, and how memory storage, recall and detail are all impacted by childhood experience. Attachment narrative analysis techniques will be applied to help litigators better deconstruct witness testimony and deconstruct and reconstruct client narratives, and optimize depositions and direct and cross examination. Attachment-based Conflict Psychology is described. This program is for any litigator, and is taught by Mark Baumann, who has practiced in many areas of civil and criminal trial and motion practice for over 30 years. Programs can be individualized and range from several hours to several days.
Peace science: Neuroscience and relational science for negotiating and mediating is a program for people focused on resolving disputes while avoiding trial. This is for mediators, collaborative lawyers, and any lawyer interested in focusing on “win-win” solutions. Participant’s current skills will be enhanced with a stronger foundation in human science, so more than in the Litigator’s training, focus is put on how human sciences explain why mediation, and extremely client-centered mediation such as Transformative Mediation, works. Listening skills, counseling and coaching skills, and conflict psychology are covered in detail. Programs can be structured for 2-8 hours.
DMM attachment training is for anyone interested in learning about the Dynamic Maturational Model of Attachment and Adaptation (DMM), which provides both an advanced theory of attachment and danger-based psychology. The DMM is compared to other attachment and psychological models. Topics can include, preschool attachment and the Strange Situation Procedure, adult attachment and the Adult Attachment Interview, discourse analysis, memory system function, and the “great cognitive-affective divide”. The problems with “disorganized” attachment can also be addressed for testifying parenting professionals, and for lawyers with cross-examination needs on this issue. Attachment assessments and the historical development of attachment theory can be described. DMM trainings are useful for people interested in using attachment as a foundation for their parenting testimony, preparing or considering to undertake advanced programs in attachment studies, and for gaining a solid foundation for understanding attachment as a foundation for Conflict Psychology. Programs can be simple or complex and for 1-16 hours.
Recent Posts
- ICCI Welcomes sister site: Conflict Science Institute
- Attachment evidence and expert testimony are reliable and admissible using the DMM and IASA Family Attachment Court Protocol
- CLE: Attachment and conflict psychology – Bellingham 9/17/18
- Presentation: DMM clinician tools, from a lawyer’s perspective – Florence IT, 6/13/18
- Study: Common brain parasites can change conflict-relevant personality function -Toxoplasma Gondii