This meta study & responsive comment confirm childhood neglect/abuse impacts brain shape and function, and that attachment is the primary […]
Parenting? Why is parenting a topic of interest for lawyers and counseling? Because principles of human science, like neuroscience and attachment, inform counseling almost exactly the way they inform parenting. How we parent can be congruent with how we counsel, and indeed, counselors fill the role of a form of attachment figure for clients. This professional role may be described with an attachment concept, Transitory Attachment Figure (TAF). In both the PARENT-child and ATTORNEY-client relationship, the parent/attorney can be an authoritative figure, rather than authoritarian, who nurtures flexible and optimal decision making and neural growth. Parenting gives lawyers a chance to practice counseling skills (and vice versa). It is also a topic of interest for family law attorneys, and by syncing counseling with parenting, lawyers have the chance to model for clients how they can help their children, especially in conflicted custodial cases.
Care includes but is broader than empathy, and is a top 10 element of Integrative Listening. This study identifies a […]
Looking at 1,890 identical twin pairs, it appears that developing reading comprehension skills can enhance IQ. Prior research has demonstrated […]
Neural networks in autistic brains are concentrated for short range rather than long range access, as demonstrated by the connectomes […]
In a parenting context, mindfulness was nicely defined and training both the parent and child was found to provide the […] has a great section about parenting, with quick and easy reads on the developmental stages kids go through and […]
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